
版本 5 March 2024

This is a legal agreement (hereinafter referred to as the ("Agreement") between you and Lianbit.com ("Lianbit") for the use of the website, data, Lianbit's electronic trading platform, and the products and services you choose or initiate, which may include the Lianbit trading platform and third-party signal providers ("Products and Services").

Lianbit and the Lianbit Platform

Lianbit is a technology provider that offers various trading markets, including Cryptocurrency, currencies, and stocks, and provides its clients the ability to integrate the functionality of the Lianbit.com Trading Platform (hereinafter referred to as the "Lianbit Platform" or "Platform") into their business relationships.

The Lianbit Platform is an automated trading system that allows Investor clients ("Trading Account") to automatically replicate and be subject to the implementation of various parameters and restrictions, trading signals generated by third parties ("Contract Providers" or "Traders"), as further described in this agreement and explained on the Platform's website.

Any reference to "Your Account" on the Platform and generally concerning Lianbit, for the purposes of this Agreement, means the Platform operations personalized for you, your relationship with Lianbit, and transactions you conduct through the use of Platform functionalities, as well as the capture and recording of these operations in Lianbit's records and servers. Except for the purpose of accepting applicable fees, Lianbit will not receive or hold any money or other assets owned by you. Therefore, the term "Account" as defined above does not refer to any holding of your assets.

Lianbit does not promise, through this Agreement, to execute any transactions on your behalf, either as your counterparty or as your broker. Therefore, Lianbit is not responsible for the inability to execute (in whole or in part) or the delay in the execution of contracts generated through the Platform.

Lianbit is not involved in determining and providing products available to you by any Trader, including the applicable leverage and spread. All strategies implemented against ongoing trading activities are entirely under the control of the trader.

The selection of your Trader is exclusively done by you, and your relationship with the Trader is governed by the agreement made between you and your Trader. Lianbit will provide you, through the Platform-hosted website, with a list of Traders compatible with the use of the Platform, solely for your convenience, without proposing or suggesting any specific Trader to you.

Rules and Regulations for Service Provision

You can access the Platform through the website www.lianbit.com or another website communicated for this purpose by Lianbit or your Trader. Considering the nature of the Lianbit Platform provided through the use of electronic applications, you are required to use appropriate technical means (such as a computer, internet connection, etc.) and possess the necessary knowledge to handle these means accurately. By entering into this agreement and accessing the Lianbit Platform, you acknowledge and affirm that you have the necessary equipment and expertise for its proper use.

By using the Lianbit Platform, you acknowledge that you understand and accept the risks associated with internet-based trading services, including but not limited to hardware issues, software issues, or internet connection, and the potential inability of timely communication transmission due to disruptions and/or errors. Since Lianbit does not control signal power, reception, or routing through the Internet, your hardware or software configuration, or the reliability of your internet connection, you agree that you are entirely responsible for such failures, including communication failure, disruption, distortion, and delays in trading. Lianbit advises caution when using mobile devices for trading or receiving data from the Lianbit platform. Mobile devices rely on wireless connectivity, are subject to mobile data limitations, WiFi limitations, and mobile communication network limitations, and may not provide the same functionality as accessing the Lianbit platform from a web browser. Lianbit will not be liable to anyone for any losses, damages, costs, or expenses (including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of use, direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages) resulting from the use of mobile device.

Use of Usernames and Passwords

Your use of the Lianbit Platform requires the use of a combination of a username and password. Usernames and passwords are created by Lianbit and sent to you after your registration on the Platform and remain private and highly confidential. Lianbit may request your access activation to the Platform through an email confirmation process or other confirmation processes ensuring that identification data has been sent from/to you. Your use of the username and password combination confirms that the use of the Lianbit Platform and all activities in your Account (indicatively, Signal Provider choices, Account settings, manual actions, information on executed transactions, etc.) are done by you. It is your responsibility to protect the confidentiality of the username and password, bearing exclusive responsibility for any damage suffered as a result of leakage or use by third parties in any way, with or without your authorization. You can change your password at any time by following the relevant instructions listed on the Platform-hosted website, without further disclosure of such changes to Lianbit. To prevent third-party use of the Lianbit Platform, it is recommended to change your password regularly. In particular, in case of username or password leakage, you must promptly inform Lianbit and change the password.

No Investment Advice

Lianbit does not provide investment advice or any other investment services. Lianbit only provides technical means that allow you to adopt trading strategies from other Platform users, based on the assumption that you consciously choose to carry out transactions and engage in trading activities with your chosen Trader. Lianbit does not recommend or suggest to Platform users to carry out any transactions in financial instruments or state that such transactions may be suitable or appropriate for you or other users.

Signal Provider History and Statistics

Signal Provider history and statistics, trading signals generated by Signal Provider Traders, and comments made by Signal Providers on the Platform's website are not personal recommendations to you or other users to carry out or avoid any transactions or to follow or stop following any Signal Provider and should not be considered as such.

Registration on the Platform

Unless explicitly agreed otherwise, your registration with the Platform is as a regular user (i.e., not a Signal Provider or Trader), and this Agreement governs your relationship with Lianbit under this specific and singular capacity.

Trader Selection

The Platform provides you with the opportunity to trade based on automatic electronic signals. You can adjust Platform settings to replicate the actions of one or more Signal Provider of your choice. Signal Providers are third parties using their signals (as displayed on the Platform) to execute transactions for their own accounts, through their chosen Markets.

The Platform may incorporate, from time to time, tools or features classifying Signal Providers into certain categories or providing specific rankings or filtering on some specific Signal Providers or combinations thereof. These tools are based on the application of technical criteria to the past performance and statistics of Signal Providers, as a way to draw your attention to Signal Providers or combinations thereof that may align with your trading preferences. In all such cases, you will be able to view Signal Provider trading characteristics and compare trading history and performance with other Signal Providers. By entering into this agreement, you acknowledge your understanding that in any case, such classification, ranking, filtering, or combination of Signal Providers shall not be deemed as any recommendation by Lianbit to follow any Signal Provider (or any combined strategy) with the aim of achieving specific future results.

Implementation of Settings for Selected Systems

The replication of Signal Provider signals in your Account is always subject to limitations imposed by your Trader regarding the product offerings you trade. Additionally, you cannot choose specific settings and limitations for signals generated by each selected Signal Provider.

Service Limitations and Lianbit's Responsibilities

Signal Providers are not affiliated with Lianbit but are required to have any professional certification or degree related to the financial markets during a rigorous selection process when registering as a Trader.

Lianbit does not interfere with the content of signals generated by Signal Providers (Traders).

Signal Providers do not have access to, and do not consider, personal information or account positions of their respective followers.

Monitoring and evaluation of Signal Providers by Lianbit are solely based on their past behavior and will not refer to their future behavior or future performance achievements.

Delays and Differences in Execution

Although the Platform precisely replicates signals from Signal Providers (Traders) concerned (after applying any limitations you set in your settings), delays in the execution of your transactions by the Broker may occur. Differences may also arise between the prices achieved by any Signal Provider, in relation to their own trades, and the prices you achieve when following the signals of that Signal Provider, even if your trades are executed at the same time as the Signal Provider.

These delays and differences can usually be attributed to the structure and functioning of the markets, particularly to (indicatively):

  • The time period, though very brief, between the reception of signals from Signal Providers and the execution of your trades by the Broker cooperating with our platform.
  • Cryptocurrency, Currency & Stock market operations as a whole, considering there is no single reference price for participants in these markets.
  • Specific events occurring in the market, such as sharp price fluctuations (e.g., in the case of news announcements), large transaction volumes awaiting execution by your Broker or the liquidity provider of your Broker.
  • Volatility or lack of liquidity in the Foreign Exchange market may also prevent orders from being executed at favorable prices or not at all

No Guarantee of Execution and Price Matching

Therefore, Lianbit does not guarantee:

  • Direct and complete execution of signals by your Trader.
  • Price matching where you execute a particular trade at the same price at which the Signal Provider executes the same trade.

In general, Lianbit will not be responsible to anyone for any losses, damages, costs, or expenses (including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of use, direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages) resulting from trades being unable to be executed due to market conditions or any errors by your Trader.

Risk Acceptance and Personal Responsibility

By entering into this agreement, you acknowledge that you accept the inherent risks in the performance of transactions in financial instruments supported by the Platform and provided to you by your Trader, and that Lianbit is not responsible for these risks. Specifically, you acknowledge:

  • That you are aware that transactions in financial instruments involve risks resulting in a reduction in the value of the investment.
  • That trading Cryptocurrency, Currency, stocks, and other leveraged trading activities involve significant risk of loss. Such activities are not suitable for all investors, and you should ensure that you understand the risks involved, seeking independent advice if necessary.
  • That the results of your trading can vary depending on many factors. Due to the high-risk factors in Cryptocurrency, Currency, stocks, and other leveraged products, only funds you can afford to lose should be used in such trading. If you do not have extra capital that you can afford to lose, you should not trade on the Lianbit platform. No "safe" trading system has ever been devised, and nothing can guarantee profits or freedom from losses.
  • That the results of hypothetical performance have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below.

No representation is made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, often there are sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any specific trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. Also, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. For example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program despite trading losses are material points that can adversely affect actual trading results. There are many other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program that cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results, and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results.

That you are aware and accept the risks arising from the replication of third-party investment strategies when using the Lianbit Platform and that past performance posted on the Platform does not indicate future results.

Force Majeure and Limited Liability

Lianbit will not be responsible for damages suffered by you (or third parties having relevant rights through you) due to force majeure (including the exercise of strike rights, computer damage including computer system or electronic communication system damage), use of data stored in records and servers by third parties dishonestly, failure of its electronic systems due to damage to communication network or damage to software and hardware not caused by lack of maintenance or monitoring, and events related to the operations of third parties, such as disruptions or suspension or restriction of activities carried out by the Broker with whom Lianbit cooperates under this agreement or third parties intervening in the course of your relationship and transactions with your Trader (exchanges, transaction settlement companies, credit institutions, etc.) for any reason.

No Guarantee of Specific Results or Performance

Lianbit does not guarantee that the use of the Lianbit Platform will provide specific results or performance for you. Any reference to the performance of transactions conducted by Platform users or Signal Providers is exclusively related to the past, and by accepting these terms, you acknowledge that you are aware of this fact. Any reference to the performance of any Signal Provider may not take into account transaction costs, such as Broker fees or other fees applicable to your Lianbit Platform Account under this Agreement.

Divergence of Trading Accounts and Trader Limitations

Trades executed by Signal Providers on their own trading accounts may involve amounts significantly different from those allocated by you for each transaction following the activities of the Signal Provider. This itself can lead to significantly different results compared to the profits or losses of the Signal Provider, even if the other characteristics of your positions are the same as those of a particular Signal Provider. Additionally, certain limitations may be applied to your trading account by your Trader, which may not apply to Signal Providers at the same time. These limitations may be due to the specificity of the regulatory framework applicable to each Trader or the policies of the Trader. The application of these limitations to your trading account can lead to further divergence between the trading results of the Signal Provider and your own trades, especially if the trading account of the Signal Provider is not subject to the same limitations.


Communication between you and Lianbit must be conducted, depending on the case, either in writing or orally. Specifically:

  • Written communication involves the exchange/delivery of documents, telephone calls, emails sent to the electronic addresses of the parties, or through messaging applications and specific communication platforms.
  • Oral communication is primarily conducted over the phone. Lianbit may record your telephone conversations with its employees to verify the content of the conversation, as well as for the mutual interests and protection of both you and Lianbit. All telephone conversation recordings will be stored in accordance with the Data Privacy Policy available on the Lianbit website.


Information that Lianbit must keep confidential includes:

  • Information that must be referred to by Lianbit before a Court or competent authority for the defense of Lianbit in cases related to the relationship governed by this agreement.
  • Information that must be communicated to companies cooperating with Lianbit so that the obligations undertaken by Lianbit under this agreement can be fulfilled.

Information about Your Trading Activities

Lianbit provides you with continuous access to the personalized area of the Platform, where you log in using your individual code, with the aim of receiving information about your trading activities at any time during a specific period. Although Lianbit will make its best efforts to provide you with comprehensive and accurate information in a timely manner, this information is not intended to replace the information that your Trader is expected to provide you regarding the activities of your Trading Account. Therefore, Lianbit draws your attention to the fact that you should regularly check the activities and content of your Trading Account with your Trader, through applications, trading platforms, or other communication means provided to you by your Trader.

In the event of various events that – in Lianbit's reasonable opinion – may impact your Account (such as substantial changes in trading behavior by Signal Providers you may choose), Lianbit may send relevant notifications to you through the Platform.

Helpdesk and Evidential Power of Files and Computer Records

Lianbit provides a 24-hour ticket support system for the Platform. Relevant details can be found at contact-us.

Copies or extracts of forms, data, books, records, and files issued or stored by Lianbit, whether in paper or electronic form – in accordance with applicable laws and regulations – or extracts of any Lianbit Account exported by Lianbit and displaying the transaction history of the Lianbit Account, will be full proof of the activities of that Account. Similarly, log extractions regarding any aspect of your Account's operations, including logs related to your login to the Platform and your use of the Platform, will be full proof of the related facts.

Responsibility for Transmission Errors

In case of delays, interruptions, or other errors that may occur during the transmission of electronic mail or phone calls, as well as in cases of incorrect translation or interpretation of technical terms, Lianbit will only be responsible for intentional or gross negligence by executives, agents, or employees.


Unless explicitly stated otherwise on the Platform, the following fees apply when a Client opens and holds an Account with Lianbit.

When an Investor executes orders through their trading account with any Executing Trader, the Investor incurs no fees from either the platform or the Trader. Each trader has their own instruments and strategies in determining capital ranges and fees, and these costs are separate from your capital and profits visible in your account reports.


Hereby, you grant authorization to Lianbit to access the Trading Account you hold with your Trader, through all technical means appropriate and – as necessary – relevant personnel and executives, for:

  • Connecting the Platform to your Trading Account in a way that allows the introduction of signals generated from Platform operations to your Trading Account.
  • Obtaining comprehensive information about your Trading Account connected to the Platform, to provide comprehensive information to you through the Platform.
  • Obtaining information about your identification, for the purpose of providing the Lianbit Platform to you, receiving payments from you, and complying with applicable regulations, including for anti-money laundering purposes.
  • Continuing consultations and other collaborations required with Brokers to fulfill the objectives of this agreement.

Investor Data

As evidence of your identity and the representative appointed by you, Lianbit may rely on any document that, according to the law, is considered proof of an individual's or legal entity's identity. Lianbit will not be responsible for the validity, legal integrity, or authenticity of such documents. If you incur losses due to errors, misunderstandings, fraud, or deception related to someone instructing Lianbit to perform specific actions, Lianbit will only be responsible for intentional or gross negligence by its executives, employees, and agents.

Changes in Data

You will inform Lianbit automatically, without delay, about any changes in name, contact information (especially email address), and other data you provided to Lianbit when entering into this agreement, as well as any changes regarding the power of representation given to others (if any). You have the right to object to changes in the above data if such changes are not notified to Lianbit in writing.

Personal Data

Your personal data, as disclosed to Lianbit from time to time, will be stored, processed, and disclosed to third parties for the purpose of providing services and complying with Lianbit's obligations, in accordance with the Lianbit Data Privacy Policy, available through the following link.

Refund Policy

Lianbit will issue refunds to investors for losses caused by Platform Errors. Platform Errors occur if trading signals that should be rejected according to investor account settings are accepted by Lianbit and transmitted to the investor's Trader, or if trading signals that should be received according to investor account settings are rejected by Lianbit and not transmitted to the investor's Trader.

Lianbit will not be responsible for replacing profit losses caused by Platform Errors in any situation.

Refund Claim Process

To receive compensation for losses caused by Platform Errors, you must notify Lianbit in writing about your potential claim. The notice must be given promptly upon your knowledge, or should have been known, of the Platform Error, but in any case, no later than twenty-four hours after the occurrence of the Platform Error. If Lianbit does not receive such notice from you within twenty-four hours after the occurrence of the Platform Error, Lianbit will not be responsible for any losses resulting from the Platform Error.

If Lianbit confirms that a Platform Error has occurred concerning your account, and you provide the required notice within twenty-four hours, you will receive compensation for losses caused by that Platform Error (excluding lost profits).

Lianbit processes all Refund Requests within 7 days after acknowledging receipt of the Refund Request.

Final Provisions

By accepting these terms and proceeding with the opening and operation of your Account, you declare and warrant to Lianbit that:

  • All amounts of money you have deposited and/or will deposit with your Trader are your own, sourced from legitimate origins, and not derived from actions or activities prohibited by laws on the prevention and eradication of money laundering.
  • In general, you will comply with legal provisions and will not engage in illegal or prohibited actions or practices.
  • All information you have provided or will provide to your Trader or to Lianbit regarding yourself and the origin of your assets is/ will be true.

Restrictions on Platform Information Use

By accessing the Lianbit website and trading on the Platform, you fully understand and agree to respect the intellectual property rights of Signal Providers and Lianbit. You declare that you do not wish to obtain any trade secrets or confidential information from Signal Providers.

You declare that you will use signals solely for your Lianbit Account and that you will not reproduce these signals with third-party platforms or services outside the Lianbit platform without written permission from Lianbit. Upon notification from Lianbit that, in Lianbit's opinion, any use of the Platform does not comply with these standards, you will cease such usage. Furthermore, you agree that Lianbit may, at any time, disable your access to the Platform at its absolute discretion, in cases of system abuse or violations of patent, copyright, trademark rights.

Duration - Termination

This agreement is valid for a specified period determined by the Trader you choose. The agreement becomes effective upon acceptance by the Investor and after subscribing to third parties through the Lianbit platform. An Account under contract with a specific Trader cannot be unilaterally canceled by the Investor before the contract period ends. If the Investor does so, the Trader puts themselves at risk in the market they are executing. Therefore, the Investor is prohibited from canceling an ongoing contract and will face penalties, including account restrictions and loss of assets in the contract.

Applicable Law - Jurisdiction

All contractual relationships between Lianbit and the Investor are governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. The courts of the People's Republic of China will have jurisdiction over any disputes between you and Lianbit arising from this contractual relationship. Lianbit has the discretion to choose another court with jurisdiction over the enforcement of its claims against you.

Other Provisions

The provisions of this agreement can only be amended by written agreement between you and Lianbit (including through electronic acceptance), without prejudice to the following paragraphs. Lianbit has the right, at any time and in its absolute and sole discretion, to unilaterally change and/or modify the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You agree that the new format of this Agreement posted on the Lianbit Website will be deemed sufficient notice for changes and/or modifications made in that new format and will be effective from the date posted as mentioned above.

  • Any delay or failure by Lianbit to enforce any contractual or legal right in any way will not be deemed or construed as a waiver of the relevant right.
  • In the event that one or more provisions of this agreement cannot be enforced or become unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, and the remaining provisions will remain in effect.
  • You will not assign or transfer in any way to any third party any rights and claims arising from your relationship with Lianbit under this Agreement unless otherwise agreed in writing.